Can I Use Recycled Materials for My House Repipe?

Copper is the go-to material for household plumbing applications due to its strength, durability, flexibility, corrosion resistance, and heat tolerance. It is also recyclable, requires fewer repairs, and is less likely to leak or pollute drinking water. However, its high cost can be a deterrent for homeowners. If your home was built before the 1970s, it is likely that the pipes are made of galvanized metal, PVC, lead, or polybutylene.

These materials are known to have many defects that reduce their lifespan in a standard American home. If your home's plumbing uses any of these materials, it is important to replace them immediately. Lead seeps into drinking water and can cause dangerous health problems, while polybutylene pipes are more likely to break and leak. A plumber can help you choose the best material for your home to get the most out of the refinishing work and ensure it lasts a long time.

The age of your home is a fundamental component in understanding if you should retrofit your home or not. If your home was built before the 1970s, you have more reason to consider remodeling your home in order to have updated technology that ensures optimal operation and prevents a future domestic disaster. When replacing pipes in a cold climate, it is best to do so during spring or summer as freezing temperatures can interfere with the process and cause it to take longer than it would otherwise. Additionally, if done wrong, homeowners and their families can be at risk.

Therefore, it is vitally important to choose wisely when selecting a plumber to do the job.

Ted Bell
Ted Bell

Ted is a nationally recognized home repiping expert. He's been repiping homes in San Diego since 1993 and has been a frequent Angi's Super Service Award winner.